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APS Intensive: Make Data-Informed Faculty Line Planning Decisions for FY24-25

In this session, participants will learn how to use the Instructional Staff Capacity Planning dashboard in the Academic Performance Solutions (APS) platform. The dashboard consists of data that can be…

2023 PAE Executive Roundtable

Join EAB's annual fall roundtable for professional, continuing, and online (PCO) education leaders in Washington, D.C where you'll have the opportunity to engage in highly interactive, executive-level conversations about the…
Resource Center

Mental Health Resource Collection

Our resource collection is designed to help higher ed and K-12 administrators improve mental wellness.

Takeaways from CONNECTED21: Embedding Technology in the New Student Onboarding Experience

The annual CONNECTED conference is intended to bring institutions together to share best practices and lessons that they can implement when they return home to their campuses. Come hear how…