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The 6 stages of the adult degree completer journey

As institutions reel from the impact of COVID-19, enrollment leaders face renewed pressure to recruit new and different audiences to offset expected declines in traditional undergraduate enrollment. Discover the six…
Adult Learner Recruitment

Data democratization 101: What higher education data leaders need to know

Learn what data democratization is, how it can drive innovation, and three ways colleges and universities can achieve data democratization.
Data & Analytics Blog
Research Report

The Value of Diverse Schools

Studies continuously document minority students’ academic improvements when they attend schools with majority peers. However, recent literature increasingly addresses the benefits of a diverse school and classroom for all students.
District Leadership Forum

How 1000+ adult learners said COVID-19 impacted their plans—and what this means for enrollment strategy

We surveyed 1000+ current and prospective adult learners. Here’s how the pandemic has impacted their graduate, online, and professional education plans—and three key takeaways for your strategy.

5 lessons for virtual learning and teaching from an online K-12 school

For these 5 tips for virtual learning success, we spoke with Texas Tech University (TTU) K-12—a fully online, public K-12 school that has served over 400,000 students since 1993.

Here’s how to think about ROI from your marketing investments

See common questions (and answers) for measuring and analyzing the impact of marketing investments for recruiting and enrolling graduate students.
Adult Education Blog
Insight Paper

Evaluate Your College Website Strategy Against Best Practices and Enrollment Goals

Complete 10 self-tests, with over 75 questions, to assess how well your school’s website is currently serving your enrollment goals.
Insight Paper

Do You Have a Higher Education Website Optimization Strategy?

This white paper was created for enrollment leaders to use with the primary owners of the school’s website.

Developing Strategic Thinking & Interpersonal Skills in School Principals

We know from decades of research that high-performing school leaders is foundational for school success. In fact, exemplar principals are the common thread that distinguishes highest performing school districts from…
District Leadership Forum

APS COVID-19 Cost Optimization Playbook

This playbook will help you leverage Academic Performance Solutions (APS) data to uncover potential areas for cost optimization to inform your institution’s COVID-19 planning strategy.