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6 things missing from your adult and graduate program websites

Here are a few strategies your team can use to ensure your academic program webpage makes a good first impression—and encourages prospective students to apply and enroll.
Adult Education Blog

How to Reverse Enrollment Declines at Community Colleges

Experts discuss institutional changes community colleges need to make to reverse enrollment declines and serve their communities more fully.

3 challenges you’ll face developing new online programs—and how to meet them

Here are a few of the hurdles academic leaders often encounter when launching online programs and strategies you can use to improve your online programs and the program development process.
Adult Education Blog

Summer of Navigate Student: Configuration Intensives

Join us this summer for guided workshops on all things Navigate Student! The intensive will have three parts, starting with the mobile app & content, moving to Academic Planning, before…

Highlights from the 2021 AASCU and EAB Virtual Symposium for Presidents and their Cabinets

Watch this two-minute video for the key highlights from the 2021 AASCU event and learn how you can get involved with other upcoming events.

What the Coursera IPO Means for Higher Ed

EAB experts discuss the Coursera IPO and the role of MOOCs in higher education.

Top Recruiting Tips to Reverse Enrollment Declines

Journalist Jon Marcus joins the podcast to examine enrollment trends and new recruiting strategies emerging from the pandemic.

How the pandemic has affected community college students (and how to serve them)

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt higher ed, community college leaders across the country are faced with the difficult task of helping their students navigate the financial, technological, and health-related challenges…

10 Tips to Improve Your Economic Development Website

With fewer opportunities for institutions to be physically present in the community, online presence has only become more important in our virtual COVID-19 reality. Discover the 10 key components your…
Strategic Advisory Services

4 lessons for higher ed chiefs of staff in improving government relations and partnerships

To discuss this changing role and offer a look at one chief of staff’s practitioner experience, EAB hosted a working session on “The Chief of Staff’s Role in Government Relations…
Higher Education Strategy Blog