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Creating and implementing sustainability and climate action plans

This blog shares the highlights of a recent discussion with chief sustainability officers on their experiences with creating and implementing sustainability and climate action plans.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

DLF | EAB’s Nationwide Collaborative to Raise Teacher Morale Cohort Five

Too often, best practices exist as theoretical ideals that are showcased at conferences, but rarely scaled in schools. EAB Collaboratives are designed to change that narrative, guiding cohorts of district…

Addressing Student Loneliness and Disconnection: Enhancing Student Belongingness at Your Institution

Through research and conversations with university leaders, EAB identified five components of belonging. This presentation will provide a glimpse into each of the five components with best practices and rationale…

How to (Finally) Crack the Code on Teacher Morale

In this session, EAB researchers will outline a systematic process for helping employees to thrive, making your district the place that teachers want to work and students want to learn.

Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Faculty Adoption

We recommend that Navigate program owners AND their institution’s Navigate faculty champion attend this session. This session is best suited for program owners and faculty champions.

Overwhelmed by complaints on campus?

This blog highlights key higher ed leadership takeaways from EAB’s Compassionate Leadership Seminar to help address complaints on campus.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Transfer Portal Annual Calendar

Use the resources provided on this page to see activities that Transfer Portal partners are often focused on and when they typically occur, and then map your own processes.
Transfer Portal

6 innovative ways higher ed can embrace AI

Our blog explores six innovative ways higher education can embrace AI with examples from across sectors
Data & Analytics Blog

7 missteps university leaders must avoid in their AI approach

In recent conversations with presidents, provosts, CBOs and CIOs, we’ve identified seven missteps university leaders are making in their AI approach.
Data & Analytics Blog

Edify Accelerators: Custom Dashboards for Your Campus

Edify Accelerators are custom dashboards of flexible multi-source analytics focused on solving specific higher ed business challenges.