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Research Report

6 Current Challenges in Recruiting and Supporting Rural Students

Use this briefing to understand the context of rural student recruitment, identify challenges in rural student support, and start conversations on campus about rural efforts.

Lead and Inquiry Management Software Toolkit

Access a suite of tools and resources to help members who are considering, or are in the process of implementing, Customer Relationship Management or Marketing Automation software.

Designing Programs for the Millennial Workforce—Implementation Toolkit

This toolkit helps members design, launch, and maintain non-degree programs that exceed enrollment targets and cater to the needs of the Millennial population.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Health Professions Study

As health care legislation spurs demand for health professions, COE units' program portfolios must keep up.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Marketing Across the Program Lifecycle

This study explores 17 practices you can implement to create a more purposeful integration of marketing capabilities across the program lifecycle.
Research Report

Mobile Site Optimization

Find out how to prioritize your mobile site efforts, learn the basic principles of mobile design, and explore upcoming trends in web design and how they will impact mobile plans.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Hyper-stackable Emerging Careers

In "Multi-Track Cybersecurity Pathways" and "Second Careers in Aging Services," explore how institutions have created degrees and certificates that appeal equally to employers and students, with an emphasis on stackable,…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Research Report

Disciplining Social Media Strategy

Breakthrough-practice solutions to understand what's working (and not) in recruiting and retaining adult and online students through social media.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services