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Maximizing Advancement Forum Resources to Support Small Shops

This webconference will gather advancement leaders from smaller advancement offices to learn from each other and EAB best practices sourced from small shop case exemplars.

Elevating Inclusion

Best-practice advancement divisions strive to understand and adapt to the needs of a changing alumni body. Our work will explore three new breakthrough strategies:Conducting a Diverse Volunteer Gap Analysis, Recalibrating…

Developing a Data-Driven University

The session profiles the dashboards, key performance indicators, and business intelligence capabilities that are emerging as the new gold standard for university decision support.
Research Report

Evaluation of Advancement Services Units

This report examines metrics and goals related to advancement services units, with a focus on gift processing, prospect management, research, and marketing/communications.
Research Report

Fundraising for Student Success

This report examines priority areas, campaign strategies, and related to fundraising for student scholarships and programs.
Research Report

Corporate and Industry Engagement Functions

This report examines three models of corporate and industry engagement functions and institutions: an integrated model for corporate relations, a concierge service for corporations, and a decentralized structure that embeds…
Research Report

Planned Giving Advisory Councils

This report examines how smaller public institutions establish planned giving advisory councils. The research provides information on how institutions effectively employ those councils’ guidance and recruit members.
Research Report

Silent Phase Gift Announcement Strategy

This project explores timing and strategic considerations for silent phase gift announcements. The report also examines the relationship between stewardship and communications officers and media used for announcement promotion.
Advancement Advisory Services
Research Report

Fundraising for Programmatic Student Success Initiatives

This brief profiles the practices of six public institutions that frequently fundraise for student success programs.
Advancement Advisory Services
Research Report

Impact Reporting Practices for Major Gift Donors

This brief examines the annual reporting process for major endowed funds. It describes report content and format, major gift and reporting thresholds, and stewardship staff structure.
Advancement Advisory Services