Generation Z students are the first true digital natives. These students grew up in the age of the smart personal device and accessible internet connectivity. Participation in the digital ecosystem has almost always been expected—if not required.
Gen Z has never had a question they couldn’t Google. They are accustomed to algorithms filtering their online world based on their interests. They expect tracking through digital cookies that autocomplete forms or targets them with ads for a jacket they browsed recently. Media has always been social and communication instantaneous, with teens sending more than 3,000 text messages monthly.
Gen Z’s eight-second window to be captivated by new content reflects the break-neck pace of the digital world. Colleges and universities who fail to adapt to the impacts of this force will struggle to serve Gen Z students.
As with any innovation, the digital ecosystem has benefits and risks: for example, the internet fosters community-building, innovation, and creativity, but can also spread misinformation or encourage toxic behavior.
Impacts of the digital ecosystem
How does this force impact Student Affairs? EAB research revealed some common impacts across a variety of colleges and universities:
- Students disengage from large volumes of information and need more directive and personalized ways to navigate campus resources.
- Students increasingly expect 24/7 service and one-stop-shop information hubs, both online and in person.
- Students and their families expect that most administrative transactions are completed online.
- Students expect that if they tell one campus staff person about their concern or situation, the next administrator they talk to will have that same information.
- There is a growing need for students to partake in online conduct and media literacy training.
- Online polarization is intensifying conduct issues, magnifying the visibility and range of flashpoints.
Maximize counseling center operations and efficiency
Guidance to meet the surge of demand put on counseling centers
explore the roadmapTop challenges for student affairs
Today’s digital ecosystem has made personalization and on-demand service the norm. Student affairs leaders are challenged to adapt to these expectations with limited resources while balancing the needs of a workforce already subject to intense burn out. Investing in tech-based solutions takes time and money, and leaders hesitate to invest in something that may be quickly outdated or not resonate with digital natives. Some leaders are taking incremental steps in making their offerings more easily accessible and navigable through digital and in-person one-stop-shops. Others are making strategic investments in on-demand and tech-enhanced services, like 24/7 counseling center text messaging, phone hotlines, or AI chat bots that help student navigate resources.
Campus climate issues are made more complex in a hyper-connected digital age. Campus flashpoints are on the rise, requiring more attention from student affairs leaders to coordinate institutional response, stop the spread of misinformation, and mitigate damage to the campus community. Leaders struggle to make progress on mid- and long-term priorities as they jump from one crisis to the next.
Beyond student affairs: The impact of the digital ecosystem across campus
The digital ecosystem brings a wave of disruption to every corner of campus. We asked EAB experts to share how this force impacts the whole institution. Here are some of their top insights:

Instructors deliver more rapid and frequent feedback on academic progress to engage students accustomed to the instantaneous feedback of texting and social media.

Colleges and universities harness data analytics to personalize student recruitment tactics and messages.

Good data governance is critical as institutions balance privacy requirements with students’ expectations for online and personalized services.
Impact of Gen Z’s mindset on campus
How cost-consciousness informs Gen Z’s higher ed expectations
Gen Z culture of cost-consciousness has made this generation consider total cost of attendance very important to their college choice.
How Gen Z’s demand for radical transparency and authenticity impacts higher ed leaders
Gen Z values emphasizing transparency and authenticity means they expect more information and input on institutional decisions. Meeting students’ expectations for transparency and access to decision-makers requires more dedicated time from top leaders across the institution.
How Gen Z’s multifaceted diversity changes higher ed’s approach to equity and inclusion
Students expect to see their Gen Z demographics reflected in higher ed staff, programs, services, curriculum, and fellow students. Leaders must remove barriers to equity and include diverse identities in the classroom and the curriculum.
How Gen Z’s intensifying demand for mental health care affects campus resources
Institutions must develop campus-wide strategies to promote gen z mental health as the volume and severity of mental health issues continues to rise.