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Partner Service

How EAB Supports Stakeholder Education on Administration, Finance, and Operations Topics

Explore sample Partner Intensive topics focused on cost containment, space utilization, process improvement, and more

EAB experts offer presentations and facilitated workshops, both virtually and in-person, that are designed to help our partners advance toward their goals. Grounded in data and best-practice research, EAB Partner Intensives are most often leveraged by our partners to help validate a need for campus change, generate buy-in and consensus from critical stakeholder groups, and even facilitate difficult but much-needed discussions among leadership teams and committees.

Sessions are typically one to two hours in length and are tailored to meet the needs of your campus. Audiences may include cabinets, chief finance and business officers, chief facilities officers, chief research officers, and working groups.

View sample presentation and workshop topics within our administration, finance, and operations research terrain below. Contact [email protected] or your Strategic Leader to learn more.

Explore the topics we support

Browse the topic list and sample objectives to see the types of goals EAB can support through a virtual or in-person Partner Intensive.

Academic Program Review and Academic Efficiency

  • Review some or all departments and colleges in the academic portfolio to evaluate each unit’s health and performance (e.g., enrollments, program margin)
  • Understand limitations of short-run cost-cutting and discover alternative ways to optimize teaching resources
  • Unpack known drivers of instructional costs (e.g., course/section proliferation, curricular complexity)
  • Explore new incentives and strategies to recalibrate faculty workload

Check Out Our Related Research Report

Administrative Efficiency and Cost Containment

  • Prioritize sticky, high-impact cost savings opportunities across campus units
  • Discuss the frontiers of administrative innovations through Generative AI and digital transformation
  • Explore alternative budget models to align to the financial realities of the institution, better
    allocate resources, and/or simplify strategic planning
  • Learn about creating shared services centers for different admin functions, how to prioritize and staff different functions, and how to measure success

Business Model Transformation

  • Explore the different business pressures and models universities can adopt to counter or work beyond those pressures
  • Discuss strategies to generate alternative revenues, increase fungible dollars, etc.

Campus of the Future

  • Understand shifting student priorities and preferences
  • Explore out-of-sector innovations and experience liquidity
  • Discuss online competition and growth aspirations
  • Learn about the intensifying talent war and evolution of work

Facilities and Space Utilization

  • Understand the costs and tradeoffs in deferred and preventative maintenance
  • Learn strategies to embed the costs of deferred maintenance into building plans
  • Review principles of master planning, space types, modern trends, and total cost of ownership
  • Maximize efficiency, utilization, and overall space quality


  • Identify best-fit employer or international partners
  • Learn how to effectively use data to pitch partners
  • Align services and offerings with partner needs
  • Manage partnerships and upselling new services

Check Out Our Related Research Report

Process Improvement

  • Learn techniques to identify and fix process gaps
  • Assist admin units in designing processes to increase efficiency
  • Identify KPIs for process success and prioritize process improvement opportunities

Check Out Our Related Research Report


  • Understand the opportunities and costs associated with pursuing sustainability practices
  • Learn how to write sustainability strategic plans
  • Discuss how to evaluate the success of sustainability initiatives

Check Out Our Related Research Report

University Research

  • Learn models for assigning and allocating lab space, prioritizing and recapturing spaces, and developing KPIs to monitor efficient lab space use
  • Help partners understand the current research funding landscape
  • Explore strategies for growing multi-disciplinary research in a competitive environment
  • Learn how to create and staff research development offices
  • Use data and analytics to drive research competitiveness, assemble teams, and strengthen proposals

Ready to request a Partner Intensive?

To request a virtual or in-person presentation for your campus, reach out to your Strategic Leader or [email protected]. You can also log in and fill out the form below, and we’ll follow up.