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2022 Roundtable for Senior Facilities Officers

EAB convened senior higher ed Facilities leaders for in-person executive roundtables to discuss how transformational change can be sustained in the coming year.

Develop Student-Centered Well-Being Support

Student well-being is inextricably linked to student success, meaning holistic mental health and well-being support should be a top priority for every institution. Explore this Roadmap for guidance on how…
Strategic Advisory Services

Creating a College Affordability Academy

The college financing system is rarely transparent and easily understood by prospective students and their families, least of all by those most in need of this information—low-income and first-generation college…

Making the Most of Your Intake Survey

As students return to campus, many institutions deploy intake surveys to better understand their students’ needs. Are you asking the right questions the right way? Do you have a strategy…

AI to Blockchain: Propel your Adult Education Portfolio with Emerging Tech Programs

Discover ways in which you can build an adaptive technology portfolio, practices for opening market-relevant programs quickly, and tips and strategies you can replicate from innovative schools that are excelling…

Redesign College Programming to Meet the Needs of Adult Students

This webconference will focus on how colleges can market to and recruit adult students.

Unlocking AI’s Potential in Higher Education

Use this infographic to identify, develop, or acquire AI applications that best align with your institutional priorities.
IT Strategy Advisory Services
Research Report

4 Misconceptions About Employee Value Propositions that Every Campus Leader Needs to Confront

Campus leaders need a compelling employee value proposition to attract and retain top talent, given higher ed’s weaker competitive position on pay.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

8 considerations to improve the efficacy of your college’s bias response team

The following insights encourage institutions—even those with long-standing bias response teams—to review the team’s policies and procedures to ensure they are working as effectively as possible.
Strategic Advisory Services