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349 results based on your search


Five things campus leaders need to know about integration

Without accurate, meaningful, actionable data moving between campus IT systems, their utility is drastically reduced. To reframe integration as a competitive differentiator rather than an inescapable cost, IT leaders should…

Before layoffs and salary reductions, analyze these drivers of instructional cost

A university’s faculty is clearly one of its greatest assets—but also one of its largest investments. Learn three ways to reduce instructional costs per attempted student credit hour without changing…

Members’ Perspectives on Evolving Advising Models

This session explores how universities and colleges have transitioned their advising models in order to effect change.

Is Your Approach to Student Support Inherently Biased?

EAB experts discuss why early alert systems and traditional approaches to student advising sometimes fail to connect with students of color.

3 creative ways schools use technology to address barriers to equity in education

See how schools are using technology to address three common equity barriers for students: textbook funding, housing and food insecurity.
Student Success Blog

How one university created a departmental dashboard with actionable metrics for student success

In an effort to streamline time-to-degree, academic leaders at UW Eau Claire did degree audits that resulted in policy and curricular reform.

5 ways to support rural student success

Students in rural areas face distinct challenges in higher education. Learn about those challenges and 5 ways community colleges offer innovative services to support rural student success.
Community College Blog

3 challenges tackled by 3,000 student success leaders at our first ever virtual CONNECTED

Here are the three biggest student success challenges that EAB partners explored at CONNECTED20, our annual student success summit.
Research Report

Striving for More Sustainable Core Facilities

This white paper identifies five steps to help universities provide researchers with access to the technology they need through supporting and growing existing core facilities on campus.
Strategic Advisory Services

Disaggregating Data for Equity: How CSU Fullerton’s Advising Department Used Navigate Appointment Data to Translate Institutional Equity Goals Into Action

Across the past few years, schools in the CSU system have committed themselves to eliminating equity gaps across racial and economic demographics. As a result, CSU Fullerton’ Academic Advisement Center,…