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How to Build a Sustainable Model for Student Equity and Increase Student Success

UNC Charlotte adapted EAB’s institution-level equity audit framework to create their own annual health check of department-level practices. This will hold departments accountable for reviewing policies through an equity lens…

Want to grow your international online market? Answer three questions first.

To expand or strengthen your current international online offerings, consider these three questions.

Proactive Planning for Graduate Enrollment Growth: Exploring the Elements of a GEM Plan with Georgia State

Join us as we explore why a graduate enrollment management (GEM) plan is essential to your programs’ success and how it can make the difference between stagnation and achieving strategic…
Research Report

Benchmarking Data Report on Cost

Explore this report on cost to compare a variety of metrics to your peer institutions.
Academic Performance Solutions

Early College High School Implementation Toolkit

Early college high schools allow students to earn an associate's degree alongside their high school diploma, preparing them for college and paving their way to college enrollment. This toolkit provides…

3 crucial steps to supporting incarcerated students

Ensure incarcerated students are able to achieve success at your institution.
Research Report

Competing on Student Outcomes to Attract Today’s Career Changer Study

Program-focused marketing messages are no longer sufficient to attract prospective students to professional, adult, and online education programs. This study demonstrates how outcomes marketing can capture the attention and enrollment…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Resource Center

Academic Program Revitalization and New Program Launch Resource Center

Use these resources and tools to revitalize existing academic programs, develop, and launch new programs.
Strategic Advisory Services

Design, Launch, and Market Targeted Online and Hybrid Programs and Credentials

This section will guide you and your team through the necessary steps to develop, launch, and market your new online and hybrid programs and credentials.
Strategic Advisory Services

Launching a first-of-its-kind online program? Use these two strategies.

Even before the pandemic, enrollment in online graduate programs was increasing 6.7% on average annually. And during the COVID-19, enrollment in online graduate programs has surged, increasing 63% from 2019…
Adult Education Blog