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Explore our how-to guides that will help you navigate the APS Platform to prioritize resources and inform decisions on topics such as course completion, section offerings, and faculty course loads.

Explore our how-to guides that will help you navigate the APS platform and learn how to use the data to inform decisions that impact enrollment growth, cost efficiency, and student outcomes. The how-to guides below help users learn about metrics relevant to each topic and where to find them in the APS platform.

Enrollment Growth Manage Your Program Portfolio for Efficiency

Given changing student needs and preferences, it is critical for institutional leaders to frequently assess their program portfolio to avoid program proliferation.

Use this guide to learn how to use APS Program Analytics data to identify programs in your portfolio that require additional support based on enrollment and retention trends.

Plan a Course That Is Either Growing or Declining in Demand

A common challenge academic leaders face is offering the right courses, as well as the right number of sections to both efficiently use resources and avoid bottleneck courses that limit student progress. While rolling over course schedules term to term is often the norm, leveraging data helps academic leaders identify opportunities to better support student demand by making course adjustments.

Use this guide to learn how to use APS Course Planning Optimization (CPO) data, including course forecasts, to make proactive course planning decisions for the next term.

Monitor Course Registration During a Registration Window

No matter how many times the course scheduled is adjusted, it is seemingly never fine tuned enough. During a course registration window, academic leaders should keep a close pulse on registration numbers to surface opportunities…

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