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20 results based on your search


Faculty’s role in student success

We know from extant research that students who fail or withdraw from a class are less likely to be retained, take longer to finish a degree, and have the potential…

Yielding the partnership pipeline

Many underrepresented minority students are inadequately prepared for higher education by high school graduation. This preparedness gap, which is greatly influenced by social inequities and other barriers, creates a pipeline…

Improving student retention through need-based scholarships

Low-income and working students, who are more likely to be students of color and first-generation students, are less likely to have the ability to pay the tuition and fees required,…

Considering the impacts of COVID-19 on our lifelong learning model

These ideas began to revolutionize how higher education continuing education units think about who we’re serving and how we’re serving them. The result was advocacy for alternative credentials, like badges…

Why the right time is now to invest in renewable energy production on my campus

A public university has two major operating revenues, if one of them doesn’t increase over time……well you get it. Budgets have been, and always will be in my experience, “tight.”…

Creating an internal DEI scorecard for best practices

These scorecards tend to provide to the public demographic data about the makeup of the student, faculty and staff populations as well as graduation and retention data that is disaggregated…

Serving adults through their lifetime learning journey

My capstone project was focused on Goal 2: Graduate Education and Lifetime Learning, which includes a strategic imperative focused on providing robust educational offerings and delivery methods that includes baccalaureate…

Impact of Biden’s “Made in All of America” plan on higher education economic recovery and development efforts

One of President-elect Biden’s most prominent campaign platforms was his “Made in All of America” plan—an economic plan that restores the emphasis on manufacturing while better incorporating new high-tech and…

China is growing as a university research superpower. Here’s how it could affect U.S. universities.

China has also quickly risen as a premier destination for higher learning–now home to four of the top 50 universities in the world. China’s meteoric research growth could impact U.S.…

Building a university-wide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion scorecard

As is this case for many institutions of higher education, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are values that we strive for as an institution, and to instill in our students.…