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How dual enrollment can combat enrollment declines

Since 2020, enrollment at community colleges has declined 5.4 percent, which has prompted institutions to reflect on practices that impact student success and on barriers students face in their pursuit…
Community College Blog

4 Key Questions About the Advancement Landscape, Answered

At EAB, innovation and expertise are at the core of our mission to empower institutions with the tools they need to succeed. Today, we are excited to introduce Jenny Jones,…
Advancement Blog

3 possible student-athlete compensation models and what they mean for higher ed

Discover emerging student-athlete compensation models, learn how institutions will shift their athletic operations, and explore relevant news stories.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Five strategies for regional public university leaders to succeed in today’s competitive market

Regional public universities stand as community stalwarts, serving as vital educational and financial hubs. Yet, despite their importance, regional publics face a confluence of challenges that threaten their ability to…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Why engaging with mid-level donors matters

Learn about the impact mid-level donors can have on an advancement program and how to spark their engagement.
Advancement Blog

4 conversations every president needs to have with their cabinet about name, image, and
likeness (NIL)

EAB has identified four student-athlete enrollment questions presidents should ask their teams when talking about name, image, and likeness (NIL).
Higher Education Strategy Blog

How can you tame data sprawl? Consider a chief data officer

Data challenges are not new to higher education. Data and analytics are critical to the fundamental, institution-sustaining initiatives that will improve retention, enrollment, resource allocation, and academic support.
Data & Analytics Blog

5 takeaways from EAB’s AI-focused Presidential Experience Lab at NVIDIA

Uncover five takeaways on how AI is transforming higher ed from our Presidential Experience Lab at NVIDIA headquarters.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

What CIOs need to know about this year’s Presidential Experience Lab on AI

To give higher ed CIOs insight into the impact of AI, this blog shares six key takeaways from EAB's Presidential Experience Lab at NVIDIA headquarters.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

The impact of giving days—and how to re-invigorate yours

Explore key advantages of a successful giving day and get quick, actionable tips for re-invigorating yours.
Advancement Blog