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207 results based on your search


Where and when grant-funded interventions can increase student retention

This fellowship blog explores how grant programs can better support student retention and persistence to degree completion.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Centralizing noncredit enrollment management

This fellowship blog shares how the University of Wisconsin-Madison developed a business case and a model for centralized noncredit enrollments to benefit departments and noncredit learners.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Identifying factors that influence course success rates

This fellowship blog shares how Mississippi State University determined the factors that contribute to a student's academic performance in first-year courses.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Enrollment management strategies to win market share

This fellowship blog explores the problem of declining high school numbers and seeks to increase the percentage of college-going high school students, including under-represented populations.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Advancing the culture of philanthropy on campus by engaging employee support

This fellowship blog seeks to identify the best strategies for enhancing the culture of philanthropy on campus through employee engagement.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Improving success for pre-health students

This fellowship blog explores the curricular experiences of pre-health students at Seaver College.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

How rising higher education leaders are tackling their pressing campus challenges

The 18 fellows in the 2020 Rising Higher Education Leaders Fellowship cohort tackled a wide range of issues in their capstone projects, reflecting the diversity of institutions and professional experiences…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

You removed the statue—now what?

Education leaders share three lessons on addressing historical legacies of racism on campus.

Higher Ed is reaching a turning point in institutional reckoning

EAB has launched a research initiative to support higher education leaders in their efforts toward institutional reckoning and racial healing. Our early conversations have revealed important lessons for institutions considering…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Impact of Biden’s “Made in All of America” plan on higher education economic recovery and development efforts

One of President-elect Biden’s most prominent campaign platforms was his “Made in All of America” plan—an economic plan that restores the emphasis on manufacturing while better incorporating new high-tech and…