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193 results based on your search


Dr. Tim Renick Shares GSU’s Playbook for Eliminating Equity Gaps

Student success guru Tim Renick discusses GSU’s journey to eliminating equity gaps and shares scalable, replicable best practices other institutions can follow to do the same.

Minimize Financial Attrition

Colleges and universities have both a moral and financial imperative to do everything in their power to ensure finances aren’t the primary cause of attrition for most students. Explore our…
Strategic Advisory Services

Supporting First-Generation College Students

Learn how your institution can improve outcomes for first-generation college students, a group that typically must overcome a variety of social, academic, and administrative barriers to succeed in college.
Strategic Advisory Services

Rural Student Population Factsheets

Our factsheets shed light on each state’s rural population to inform strategic discussion around recruiting and supporting rural students in higher ed.

4 elements of an inclusive job ad

We poured over hundreds of faculty job postings to identify where the greatest opportunities to demonstrate a true commitment to faculty diversity and inclusion were.
Research Report

Eliminating Enrollment Pain Points

More community college students are entering with remedial needs, applying for financial aid, and enrolling in college after years out of a formal educational setting. Learn to increase applicant conversion…
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges

Jump Into January—Prepare Now to Hit the Ground Running

Join us in a refresh of two of your favorite CONNECTED22 Transformation Labs- Process-Mapping: A Tool for Stronger Workflows and Effective Student Outreach and Refining Your Early Alerts Strategy: Evaluating…

Introducing the New Starfish Maturity Curve

Join us for a review of our updated Maturity Curve, a tool designed to help you assess progress towards optimal adoption and strategic utilization of Starfish. Learn how to leverage…

Student Survey Overview and Best Practices

Join us for an overview of the new student surveys functionality as well as inspiration for how best to leverage this new feature. This session is best suited for Application…

Utilizing Starfish Degree Planner to Support Guided Pathways

Join us for a discussion on how to incorporate your Guided Pathways work into Starfish Degree Planner. Strategic Leaders will share best practices for program structures that minimize ongoing maintenance…