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29 results based on your search


Why districts should revise grading practices in the age of AI

Read this blog to learn three reasons equitable grading practices are essential today, and how to revise grading practices in the age of AI.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Why BIPOC Faculty Leave Their Jobs—And How to Design Policies That Will Encourage Them to Stay

Review materials from this working group session to hear best practices from institutions that are rethinking structures and policies for faculty retention. Learn how colleges and universities across the US…

Why DEIJ Progress in Higher Ed Has Flatlined: Three Ways to Drive Concrete Action at Your Institution

In this webinar, participants will learn about how higher education ended up in this position and what leaders must do to drive progress. Specifically, we will introduce EAB’s newest partner…

More Than a Statement: Learn How Ravenscroft’s Head of School Works with Her Board to Promote an Inclusive Community

To learn about how one head of school employed a proactive approach to engaging her Board of Trustees in the school’s efforts to promote a sense of community belonging, EAB…

Hallmarks of an Anti-Racist Institution: The Behaviors and Actions that Promote Racial Justice in Education for Independent School Leaders

The national conversation about the impact of racism following the murder of George Floyd and others has created an urgency around the need for change.

Transferable Skills Compendium

Use the Transferable Skills compendium to identify candidates that may be qualified for a role in advancement but that come from outside of the profession.
Advancement Advisory Services
Resource Center

Remote Work and Hybrid Workplace Resource Center

See EAB’s top resources for addressing the challenges and alleviating the pain points common to remote work.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Interdistrict Desegregation Programs

This report describes how districts operate interdistrict desegregation programs to combat regional segregation.
District Leadership Forum

A Playbook for Effective Cluster Hiring

Despite growing interest, too many cluster hiring initiatives fail due to a lack of appropriate planning. This white paper walks through the six stages of cluster hiring and recommended imperatives…
Strategic Advisory Services

Build a Statement on Campus Discourse: Lessons Learned from Riverdale Country School On-Demand Webinar

Learn how to craft a speech and expression policy for your school with this on-demand webinar. In this session, we will learn how Riverdale Country School built a robust and…