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Research Report

Create a Higher Ed Workplace Culture Where Faculty and Staff Want to Stay

To tackle the emerging employee attrition crisis, higher ed cabinet leaders must include institutional climate in their retention strategy.
Strategic Advisory Services

Why BIPOC Faculty Leave Their Jobs—And How to Design Policies That Will Encourage Them to Stay

Review materials from this working group session to hear best practices from institutions that are rethinking structures and policies for faculty retention. Learn how colleges and universities across the US…

Higher Ed Employment Website Checklist

Use this toolkit to improve your institution's employment website by articulating your value proposition and providing resources for prospective applicants.
Strategic Advisory Services

Hallmarks of an Antiracist Institution: The Behaviors and Actions that Promote Racial Justice in Education

The ongoing national conversation about the deadly impact of racism has created an urgency around the need for dramatic change at all levels of society.
Research Report

Why advancement is ready to lead the way on DEIJ

Advancement leaders have honed the skills necessary to attract top talent and close transformative principal gifts. Today, they can leverage those strengths to create a more diverse, equitable division and…
Advancement Advisory Services

Colorado College creates a tri-part chief diversity officer model

Chief diversity officers (CDOs) carry the monumental responsibility of creating meaningful and sustained structural and cultural change at an institution. For CDOs to be effective, they must have direct access…

Higher Ed is reaching a turning point in institutional reckoning

EAB has launched a research initiative to support higher education leaders in their efforts toward institutional reckoning and racial healing. Our early conversations have revealed important lessons for institutions considering…
Higher Education Strategy Blog
Research Report

3 Hiring Practices to Help Diversify Higher Education Faculty

As activists continue to call attention to the racial disparities in faculty demographics, institutional DEIJ plans increasingly include goals to recruit and retain BIPOC faculty. Most higher education institutions do…
Strategic Advisory Services

A Playbook for Effective Cluster Hiring

Despite growing interest, too many cluster hiring initiatives fail due to a lack of appropriate planning. This white paper walks through the six stages of cluster hiring and recommended imperatives…
Strategic Advisory Services

Incorporating Diversity and Inclusion into Every Day Faculty Hiring Practices

In this webconference we will explore recent trends in faculty diversity and key reasons the typical approach to increasing diversity fails.