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The 3 big bets university presidents and provosts are placing on graduate and adult learner enrollments

As the graduate market moves away from its COVID-induced bumps in enrollment, and as undergraduate enrollment continues to fall short, university executives are facing more pressure to grow graduate enrollment.
Adult Education Blog

What We Learned from “Secret Shopping” Your Graduate Programs

Experts share findings from a recent round of “secret shopping” to find out how graduate schools are recruiting, engaging, and nurturing leads from adult learners.

The 50 most in-demand skills for graduates of your master's programs

We know that graduate students often enroll to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for bigger and better professional opportunities. But which skills do employers seek most frequently, and which…
Adult Education Blog

Will Performance-Based Admissions Boost Graduate Enrollments?

Experts share lessons learned on piloting “performance-based admissions” to grow graduate programs.

New Survey Reveals What Today’s Adult Learners Really Want

Experts review findings from EAB’s latest survey of over 6k graduate students and adult learners.
Research Report

Fostering the Next Generation of IT Talent

This report outlines seven tactics for IT departments to develop the most effective student employment programs as possible.
IT Strategy Advisory Services

How to Boost Graduate Enrollment

EAB experts discuss the best digital channels and strategies for finding, engaging, and enrolling more students to grow your graduate programs.

Graduate Admissions Teams Are Close to the Breaking Point

Experts discuss findings from a new EAB/NAGAP survey of over 1,200 graduate admissions leaders that shows nearly half are considering leaving their jobs.

Is Tepid Growth the New Normal in Graduate Enrollment?

Experts unpack the latest trends in graduate enrollment and the types of institutions positioned to benefit the most from the growth of online degrees.