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Research Report

Got Overcrowding? How Institutions Find Space—And How You Can Prepare

Here are the strategies institutions use to create housing space—and how campuses can prepare before the problem arises.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Optimize Office Space on the Post-COVID-19 Campus

Colleges and universities are turning their attention toward optimizing office on a post-COVID-19 campus. Discover the most popular financial, policy, and design changes higher ed leaders are exploring for workspaces.
Strategic Advisory Services

2022 Roundtable for Senior Facilities Officers

EAB convened senior higher ed Facilities leaders for in-person executive roundtables to discuss how transformational change can be sustained in the coming year.

2025 Campus Space Strategy Summit

The Campus Space Strategy Summit will focus on innovative strategies to optimise the built environment and ensure alignment with institutional strategic goals.

Campus facilities operations are approaching a fundamental shift

EAB uncovered the top challenges Facilities leaders are facing in a survey on the impact of recent changes in higher education.
Higher Education Strategy Blog
Research Report

Strategies to Support Remote Work Cost Savings in Higher Ed

Read the takeaways and then get started with our tools to create an infrastructure of policies and staffing strategy to optimize, scale, and support remote work cost savings.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Debunking three common (and counterproductive) myths about research laboratory design

Research laboratory design can lead to wasted resources and hindered progress toward research goals. Bust three design myths to avoid such consequences.
Strategic Advisory Services

Modernize Research Lab Design and Management

Research labs are expensive to build and renovate, and decentralized space governance makes it difficult to maximize the value of existing space or streamline inefficient processes. Follow the steps in…
Strategic Advisory Services
Resource Center

Administration, Finance, and Operations Resource Center

Explore EAB research and tools to help higher ed leaders increase institutional efficiency, manage campus space, achieve growth goals, and make smart investments with limited resources.
Strategic Advisory Services

Make the most of space audits to boost F&A return rate

Many universities struggle with space optimization, despite its importance to recovering facilities and administrative (F&A ) costs. With smart space accounting practices, chief research officers can better capture the full…
Strategic Advisory Services