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118 results based on your search


What measuring the student experience means to Institutional Research—and why it’s so hard

IR teams are focused on gathering and analyzing data to help their institutions track and understand the student experience. But how can teams use this data to create a meaningful…

Data democratization 101: What higher education data leaders need to know

Learn what data democratization is, how it can drive innovation, and three ways colleges and universities can achieve data democratization.
Data & Analytics Blog

APS COVID-19 Cost Optimization Playbook

This playbook will help you leverage Academic Performance Solutions (APS) data to uncover potential areas for cost optimization to inform your institution’s COVID-19 planning strategy.

Strategies for Revitalizing (and Rightsizing) the Program Portfolio

Learn how to launch annual reviews, provide program leaders with guidance to support improvement or growth.
Academic Performance Solutions

Assessing Optional and Non-Essential Academic Expenditures Pt. III

In particular, we discuss analyses to help institutions assess optional and non-essential academic expenditures, with a focus on using cost data to identify opportunities to improve efficiency,
Academic Performance Solutions

Assessing Optional and Non-Essential Academic Expenditures Pt. I

Learn analyses that every institution should consider to ensure their academic resources exclude non-essential academic expenditures.
Academic Performance Solutions
Research Report

Breaking the Trade-Off Between Cost and Quality Study

Our briefing outlines how academic leaders can enhance quality by reallocating resources from lower impact activities to higher impact, mission-aligned priorities.
Strategic Advisory Services

APS Toolkits

Leverage our toolkits that guide you through ways to embed APS data into your targeted initiatives and planning activities.
Academic Performance Solutions

Course Completion Toolkit

The Course Completion Toolkit includes six tools that will help members of Academic Performance Solutions (APS) embed data in initiatives that promote improved student outcomes.
Academic Performance Solutions

Academic Planning Research

Explore our most popular resources on instructional resource allocation, measuring student progress, and more.
Academic Performance Solutions