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When hiring teachers, avoid these 3 mistakes

This blog shares three strategic processes districts can put into practice today to avoid mistakes when hiring teachers this upcoming year.
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Rethink transparency: Ask what district stakeholders need, not what they want

Many K-12 district leaders faced heightened scrutiny from families throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This expert insight shares how Fort Bend Independent School District solicited feedback from parents without offering too…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Preparing for the ebb and flow of schools reopening and closing

For all districts, whether they begin this school year remotely or in-person, epidemiologists explain that resurgences in the virus’s spread are expected, which will likely result in school re-closings. Here…

Rapid Response Team Frameworks for School Districts

School districts can make sure that they have considered all of the critical decisions necessary for reopening campus by reviewing these checklists in cross-functional teams.
District Leadership Forum
Research Report

Technology Product Management Models

Technology product mismanagement can cost districts hundreds of thousands of dollars. This report profiles and compares technology product management models from districts with a record of superior technology performance (e.g.,…
District Technology Leadership Forum
Resource Center

Curricula Prioritization Resource Center

Almost all students are expected to enter the fall nearly a full grade-level behind and will likely need to navigate a completely new school environment. As a result, many educators…
District Leadership Forum

5 ways to support school communities experiencing pandemic-related grief

Losses of loved ones, family income, connection to friends, graduation ceremonies, normal daily routines, and even vacations have also taken a significant toll on student mental health.

How to spend CARES Act funding to support students with disabilities

The CARES Act promises more than 16 billion federal dollars to K-12 education. Districts should direct CARES Act resources to students with disabilities now to improve their learning outcomes and…

District superintendents’ top priorities in first weeks of COVID-19 crisis

After hosting several virtual roundtables with K-12 district superintendents and assistant superintendents, here are the takeaways we gathered about superintendents’ priorities facing COVID-19 and the wins along the way.

Efficient and effective communication strategies for schools and districts to connect with families during COVID-19

To keep their school communities well-informed about the effects of theCOVID-19 crisis, school and district leadership must execute crisis communication basics with fidelity. EAB researchers outline three strategies below to…