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3 insights for program growth from our 2019 adult learner survey

We surveyed nearly 1,000 current and prospective students of graduate, online, certificate, and undergraduate degree completion programs. Their answers revealed many surprising findings—and ones that have significant implications for enrollment…

2.5 million students abandoned their GME search—learn why

Three lessons for graduation management education programs looking to enroll today's adult learners in an increasingly difficult recruiting environment.

The campaign strategy that helped one graduate program see a 4.6x increase in applicants

Learn how direct mail can help your recruitment marketing messages stand out to college students, increase the effectiveness of your digital enrollment ads, and boosts results at each stage of…
Adult Education Blog

How Houston Baptist University tripled graduate student enrollment

Despite facing enrollment challenges ranging from incomplete applications to a hurricane, Houston Baptist University has significantly grown their graduate program enrollment over the past several years. We sat down with…
Adult Education Blog
Research Report

Overcoming Obstacles to Nursing Enrollment Growth

This report outlines insights from over a decade of nursing education research and explores the factors limiting program growth.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services
Insight Paper

From Stress to Success: Survey Insights to Empower Graduate Enrollment Teams

This report compiles survey findings to provide university leaders with additional insight into the complex graduate enrollment landscape.
Adult Learner Recruitment
Insight Paper

Meet Your New Graduate and Adult Learner Insight Paper

This report explores four insights into graduate and adult learners’ behaviors, preferences, and priorities.
Adult Learner Recruitment

How to Capture Growth Opportunities in the Graduate Degree Market

EAB’s Megan Adams and Will Lamb discuss growth opportunities and the competitive landscape in the master’s and graduate degree market.

How data science can improve your recruitment marketing strategy

Here are three of the ways data science and analytics can improve your recruitment strategy.