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139 results based on your search

Research Report

Four Strategies to Support Economic Justice at Your Institution

As leaders of economic growth and social reform within their locality, institutions must turn innate economic activity into strategic initiatives and audit intentional economic development programs to ensure inclusivity, accessibility,…
Strategic Advisory Services

5 Biggest COVID-19 Strategy Mistakes

EAB’s Melanie Ho and Carla Hickman identify the five biggest mistakes higher ed leaders must avoid with their COVID-19 strategy.

Mitigate the Pandemic’s Impact on Equity Gaps this Fall and Beyond

EAB’s Meacie Fairfax and Ed Venit discuss equity gaps in higher education and ways the pandemic and recent social unrest threaten to widen those gaps unless universities take swift action.

Inside Higher Ed’s News Editor on the COVID-19 Stories You Should Know

Paul Fain, news editor at Inside Higher Ed, joins EAB’s Carla Hickman to share the COVID-19 stories that have gotten the most attention, what that says about college and university…

3 questions guiding fall term scenario planning for academic leaders

Explore 3 questions guiding fall semester 2020 scenario planning, and emerging trends in how colleges and universities are responding to the uncertainty.

The Early Impacts of COVID-19 on Higher Ed

Carla Hickman and Dr. David Attis discuss the immediate effects of COVID-19 on higher ed, as well as long-term impacts on enrollment and multi-modal learning.
Research Report

Ingraining Succession Planning in Higher Education IT

Review tips from current and former CIOs on workforce skill development and planning for organizational continuity.
IT Strategy Advisory Services

Expanded Pell proposals and the challenges of financial incentives

The Obama administration's recent Pell Grant initiatives are a move in the right direction to help students graduate on time, but don't go far enough for community college students. Learn…

How strategic staffing can increase your ROI

When it comes to investment in advancement office staffing: It’s not how many FTEs you add, but where you add them in your advancement shop that produces high ROI. Learn…
Advancement Blog
Resource Center

HBCU Resource Center

EAB is committed to serving as a thought partner for HBCU leadership to help support institutional strategy and student outcomes.