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EAB Research

Student Affairs Resource Hub

EAB provides in-depth research and services for higher ed student affairs leaders to meet their most pressing challenges associated with campus climate, metal health, diversity, and student performance. Explore the Student Affairs Resource Hub for all the tools and insights you can access to drive progress on your student affairs initiatives.


Strategic Planning for Student Affairs Divisions

When it comes to strategic planning, some student affairs leaders would honestly prefer to get a root canal than take on the daunting task of creating a three-to-five year action plan.

Tackle the Student Readiness Challenge

Students are arriving on campus less prepared than ever before, and many colleges and universities are struggling with how to identify and address these readiness gaps. Unfortunately, these student readiness challenges are here to stay for the foreseeable future.

EAB Roundtable: Meeting the Student Readiness Challenge

Join EAB’s roundtable for success leaders in Washington, DC where you’ll have the opportunity to engage in highly interactive, executive-level conversations about the most pressing student success challenges facing your college today.

Research and Insights

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Resource Center

Student Experience and Well-being Resource Center

Explore our resources on student success and retention, mental health, financial support, student belonging, activism, and experiential learning,
Strategic Advisory Services

Advising MOU Template Builder

Use EAB's template to create and audit memoranda of understanding (MOUs) between central advising leadership and college-level leadership…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Prepare to Meet Student Readiness Gaps with Just-in-Time Advising

This report shares how advisors can contribute to student readiness, outlines eight imperatives for advising model design, and…
Strategic Advisory Services

AI Maturity Model for Higher Education

EAB’s diagnostic will help campus leaders evaluate their maturity aspirations in the five domains where AI is poised…
IT Strategy Advisory Services
Resource Center

Higher Education Crises and Flashpoints Resource Center

EAB has assembled custom tools, briefings, research reports, and other resources to help your institution better prepare for,…
Strategic Advisory Services

Flashpoint Debrief Guide

Use EAB's guide to set your team up for a productive debrief session, prepare questions to assess your…
Strategic Advisory Services

Flashpoint Tabletop Case Study Compendium

This flashpoint tabletop case study compendium is built to prepare your institution’s key decision-makers to respond to various…
Strategic Advisory Services

University Flashpoint Risk Register

EAB's University Flashpoint Risk Register allows universities to organize risks, track risk scoring, and prioritize responses.
Strategic Advisory Services

Flashpoints Communications Playbook

Access tools to help colleges and universities strengthen external and internal communications before, during, and after a campus…
Strategic Advisory Services

3 types of faculty AI policies your institution needs to have

This blog helps provosts develop faculty AI policies that clearly outline how to engage with AI in their…
Higher Education Strategy Blog
students walking on campus

Three ways to connect students with financial support

To help reduce student “bounce,” our research identified three easy opportunities for warm handoffs, from advising to financial…
Student Success Blog

3 possible student-athlete compensation models and what they mean for higher ed

Discover emerging student-athlete compensation models, learn how institutions will shift their athletic operations, and explore relevant news stories.
Higher Education Strategy Blog