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Design, Launch, and Market Targeted Online and Hybrid Programs and Credentials

How to use this section:

  • Tailor program design for your target students
  • Understand and account for the budgetary implications of new programs
  • Create market-responsive websites and promotion campaigns

Designing your online and hybrid programs and credentials

Three Myths about Competency-Based Education (CBE): Learn about the costs, challenges, and risks of CBE launch and uncover three predominant myths about competency-based education.

Learn How to Evaluate and Develop Programs with Competency-Based Education (CBE) and Prior Learning Assessments (PLA): This playbook provides members with step-by-step guidance to determine whether launching a CBE program is the right fit for their institutions, tools to mitigate the costs and risks of launch, and resources to support continuous improvement in student screening and support. It also includes resources for members looking to incorporate personalized learning, through PLA, without launching full-fledged CBE programs.

Identify Which Existing Certificates You Can Convert into an Accelerated Bootcamp Format: Use this tool to identify existing certificates that are most appropriate for an accelerated bootcamp format to better serve young professionals who want to advance or change carers quickly.

Determine Which Programs to Compress into Shorter, Accelerated Degrees: This tool uses marketing data to identify the professional master’s programs most suitable for a “mini degree” format.

Help Faculty Prioritize and Design Short Modules for New Accelerated Degree Programs: After identifying the most promising mini degree opportunities, program directors and faculty must condense the full degree into short modules that convey key learning outcomes. This tool helps faculty identify and prioritize the key learning outcomes and assignments for each course.

Redesign Existing Certificate Programs to Appeal to Your Target Students: This worksheet offers cost-effective modifications that program leaders can make to existing programs, with an emphasis on qualities that convey a program’s prestige and selectivity, create a personalized experience for students, and foster repeat enrollments among program alumni.

Launching your online and hybrid programs and credentials

Use Sample Proposal Templates to Streamline New Program Proposal Processes

Calculate the Estimated Total Cost of Proposed Programs Use one of the following sample cost calculators to help estimate the total costs of proposed programs.

Marketing your online and hybrid programs and credentials

Embed Marketing Across the Program Development Lifecycle: These tools provide tactical guidance to COE unit and marketing leaders to help them effectively integrate the marketing function through program development and launch and calibrate marketing investment across the program portfolio. Featured tools help institutions:

  • Integrate Marketing in Program Development
  • Test Program Viability and Marketing Channel Effectiveness
  • Identify Programs for Strategic Investment

Assess Your Website and Identify Opportunities for Improvement: This toolkit helps members design a website that engages prospects and captures market share in a competitive market.

Learn How to Create Effective Mobile Sites: As more education search queries take place on mobile devices, institutions need to ensure that their mobile sites meet the demands of today’s prospective students. Use these resources as an aid for tasks such as designing and writing mobile content, implementing optimization changes, and selecting vendors.

Focus Marketing on Student Professional Outcomes to Attract Career Changer Prospects: These tools demonstrate how outcomes marketing can capture the attention and enrollment of undecided career changers. These tools will help you:

  • Audit your use of student outcomes in your marketing campaigns
  • Learn how to integrate labor market data into marketing and recruiting efforts

Target Marketing Investments at the Most Effective Activities: Create a marketing plan for new programs that optimizes investments towards the marketing opportunities that will have the greatest impact on enrollment.

More Resources

Research Report

Online and Hybrid Education Strategy White Papers

EAB has developed four white papers to help member institutions better understand the broader trends in the online…
Strategic Advisory Services

Online Education 101: Myths, Administrative Organization, and Common Terms

Prior to launching online and hybrid programs and courses, all relevant stakeholders from skeptical board members to resistant…
Strategic Advisory Services

Understand Your Target Market and Validate Student and Employer Demand

This section allows you to analyze your current online and hybrid education portfolio and evaluate the student and…
Strategic Advisory Services