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Resource Center

Online and Hybrid Education Resource Center

February 12, 2019

The Online Education Strategy Resource Center was developed to guide academic leaders through the process of developing and expanding their online learning offerings tailored to specific student populations. Regardless of the extent of your current online education portfolio, this center includes resources and tools to help you diagnose problems in your current practice, identify areas to grow, and make strategic decisions about program development, student recruitment, retention, and graduation.

You can browse the entire center or explore a specific section below.


Online Education 101: Myths, Administrative Organization, and Common Terms

Prior to launching online and hybrid programs and courses, all relevant stakeholders from skeptical board members to resistant…
Strategic Advisory Services

Understand Your Target Market and Validate Student and Employer Demand

This section allows you to analyze your current online and hybrid education portfolio and evaluate the student and…
Strategic Advisory Services

Identify Necessary Policies and Incentive Structures

This section includes resources to help you understand the implications of online education for your accessibility, intellectual property,…
Strategic Advisory Services

Determine If Working with an Online Enablement Vendor is Right for Your Institution

Get the tools to understand potential partnership options, assess campus needs, evaluate vendor offerings, and structure and implement…
Strategic Advisory Services

Design, Launch, and Market Targeted Online and Hybrid Programs and Credentials

This section will guide you and your team through the necessary steps to develop, launch, and market your…
Strategic Advisory Services

Create Tailored Student Support Services

This section includes tools and resources your team can use to ensure your students are set up for…
Strategic Advisory Services

More Resources

Research Report

How Salisbury University builds a data-informed culture

Download our case study to discover how Academic Performance Solutions enabled Salisbury University to put cost data into…
Academic Performance Solutions

Capture savings—without cutting programs

Learn how Indiana University-Bloomington moved beyond program cuts to focus on a new source of cost savings: faculty…
Strategic Advisory Services

Redesign Academic Programs to Meet Student Demand

Explore our case study on how Susquehanna University repacked their English degree for today's careers.
Strategic Advisory Services