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Summer Melt Playbook: How to Leverage Your Virtual Tour to Yield More Students

Discover ways to leverage your virtual tour to support key tactics and combat summer melt to keep students excited and engaged until welcome week.

Increase principal capacity by expanding teacher leadership: Lessons from Denver Public Schools

The principal role has become increasingly demanding in recent years, but with the outbreak of COVID-19, the job has only grown in complexity and difficulty. Some districts have successfully embraced…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

5 Biggest COVID-19 Strategy Mistakes

EAB’s Melanie Ho and Carla Hickman identify the five biggest mistakes higher ed leaders must avoid with their COVID-19 strategy.

Which institutions benefit most from countercyclical enrollment growth?

Facing an economic downturn and fierce competition for undergraduate enrollments, colleges and universities are looking for a silver lining: countercyclical enrollments. This tendency for enrollments to increase as the economy…

Is your data ready to support COVID-19 recovery?

Ask these three questions to evaluate your data readiness to respond to COVID-19, across key principles of accessibility, quality, and agility.

How a public health expert responded to COVID-19 on campus

"Our people are afraid, whether it's our board members, faculty, staff, students, or members of our community. But I am hopeful and confident that information can help us overcome fear,"…
Research Report

Build connections online with Virtual Communities

Across the last few months, student affairs teams have been working diligently to transform their summer programs to a digital format—no easy task. EAB convened nearly 100 student affairs and…

Mitigate the Pandemic’s Impact on Equity Gaps this Fall and Beyond

EAB’s Meacie Fairfax and Ed Venit discuss equity gaps in higher education and ways the pandemic and recent social unrest threaten to widen those gaps unless universities take swift action.
Research Report

Unpacking university research office structures

Research offices today must address unpredictable funding shifts, complex regulations, and increased competition from other schools for grant funding. These challenges expand and diversify the scope of a research office’s…
Partner Story

Optimizing Growth Strategy with Intent Marketing and Strategic Portfolio Planning

Balsa’s College of Business began to experience enrollment declines after years of strong, steady enrollment due to outdated marketing tactics and a disjointed program development strategy. Learn how they partnered…