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Ad blocker popularity is growing – here are 5 tips to continue reaching prospects

March 20, 2024, By Adnan Sosic, Director of Marketing Analytics

In today’s digital landscape, ad blocker usage has become a prominent phenomenon, posing challenges for colleges and universities as they seek to connect with prospective students.

While ad blockers offer users benefits such as reduced distractions and improved privacy measures, they have implications for schools who rely on digital marketing and the ability to track user behavior on their websites. In this post, I’ll share strategies to continue reaching prospective students, despite more users implementing ad blockers.

  • 37%

    of internet users worldwide block ads.

Understanding ad blockers

Ad blockers are software tools or browser extensions designed to prevent certain data from loading. They aim to improve user experience by reducing clutter, eliminating intrusive ads, improving page load times, and increasing privacy. They do this by intercepting and selectively blocking or hiding content before it’s rendered on a device.

Ad blockers typically target various types of online ads, but in recent years, they have become more privacy-conscious by blocking tracking scripts like Google Analytics. Consequently, colleges and universities face the challenge of connecting with an audience that actively blocks their ads and tracking scripts.

The adoption of ad blockers varies across different regions and user demographics. However, studies like the 2022 Digital Trends Report by Hootsuite indicate a consistent growth in their popularity. Here are three areas the report explored:

  1. Around 37% of internet users worldwide block ads, according to the 2022 report. That means nearly 4 out of every 10 students you’re trying to reach might not even see your ads. This is a major hurdle!
  2. Ad blocking isn’t just a desktop issue. Roughly 34% of mobile internet users are blocking ads as well. Mobile browsing is critical these days, so you need to ensure your outreach strategies are optimized for the mobile experience.
  3. Students have various reasons for blocking ads, from faster loading times to avoiding intrusive content and protecting their privacy. It’s important to empathize with their perspective. We all appreciate a clean and clutter-free browsing experience. The challenge is to find ways to deliver your message in a way that adds value and avoids feeling intrusive.



Consequences for higher ed recruitment

So, you may be asking yourself, what does this mean for me? As ad blocker usage continues to grow, schools need to address the following implications:

  1. Reduced ad impressions: Ad blockers prevent the display of ads on websites, leading to reduced ad impressions. This can limit the visibility and reach of advertising campaigns, potentially reducing the overall effectiveness of online advertising efforts. Less exposure translates to fewer potential applicants.
  2. Decreased click-through rates (CTR): With fewer ad impressions, the likelihood of users clicking on ads decreases, resulting in lower click-through rates. This can impact the performance of advertising campaigns, particularly in terms of driving traffic and conversions. Without them, it’s difficult to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns and ultimately convert interest into applications.
  3. Impaired tracking and analytics: Ad blockers can interfere with the tracking codes and scripts used to measure website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics. This can result in incomplete or inaccurate data, making it more challenging to analyze and optimize marketing campaigns. Without accurate data, you’re essentially flying blind. This makes it difficult to understand what’s working and what’s not, and to tailor your outreach to resonate with your target audience.
  4. Emphasis on content marketing and organic reach: Ad blockers have reinforced the importance of content marketing and organic reach. High-quality, valuable content positions your institution as a trusted resource, a place where students can learn, grow, and achieve their academic goals.

Combating the Implication to Marketers

To combat these implications, consider the following strategies:

Enhance your search engine optimization

Conduct keyword research, naturally incorporate keywords into content, and refine on-page SEO elements like meta tags, headers, and URLs for improved visibility and user experience. Think of SEO as the free advertising. By for relevant search terms, you can ensure that students who are actively searching for colleges like yours will find you at the top of the search results page. This is a powerful way to get your message in front of a highly targeted audience.

Consider alternate tracking methods

Use server-side tracking methods as an alternative to client-side tracking. This approach collects data on the server rather than the user’s device, reducing the likelihood of being blocked by ad blockers. Server-side tracking is like having a secret weapon in your marketing arsenal. It allows you to gather crucial data about your audience’s behavior, even if they’re using ad blockers. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

Implement UTM parameters

Track campaign performance by implementing UTM parameters and campaign tagging. UTM parameters are like little breadcrumbs you leave behind that allow you to trace where your website traffic is coming from, even if traditional tracking methods are disabled.

Leverage email marketing

Engage directly with potential students through email marketing. Build an email list of interested students and deliver personalized, targeted email campaigns. Email marketing allows you to connect with students directly and build a one-on-one relationship. By providing them with valuable content and updates that are relevant to their interests, you can keep your institution top-of-mind throughout the application process.

Invest in your content strategy

Develop a comprehensive content strategy aligned with your marketing goals and audience requirements. Create top-notch content that delivers value and addresses pain points. Content marketing is a long-term game, but it pays off. By creating valuable content that students find genuinely helpful, you can build trust and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. This organic approach can be just as effective, if not more so, than traditional advertising.

The rise of ad blockers might seem like a hurdle, but in reality, it’s a chance for colleges and universities to shine. By embracing diverse advertising channels, exploring innovative approaches, and prioritizing user experience, institutions can conquer ad blocker challenges and captivate students in the digital age.

Let’s revolutionize your student engagement together. Discover the strategies that will set you apart in this dynamic digital landscape by filling out the form below.


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Adnan Sosic

Adnan Sosic

Director of Marketing Analytics

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