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Research Report

Campus Partner Primer

It is imperative for a successful campus visit program to have support from institutional functions beyond enrollment management. EAB research identified four key campus partners to proactively and regularly engage in enrollment efforts: Facilities, faculty, IT, and campus staff.

It is imperative for a successful campus visit program to have support from institutional functions beyond enrollment management, yet few enrollment management shops have formal relationships in place to support that. Many enrollment and admissions staff members admitted to finding it a challenging, if not nearly impossible, task, to engage key parts of campus.


EAB research identified four key campus partners to proactively and regularly engage in enrollment efforts: Facilities, faculty, IT, and campus staff. This primer presents why each partnership is valuable, suggests some activities that could arise from each partnership, and gives actionable next steps so you can jump-start your partnerships or address areas for improvement to strengthen your existing work with other units.

Download the primer or explore each section below.

More on this topic

This resource is part of the Improve the Campus Visit Experience Roadmap. Access the Roadmap for stepwise guidance with additional tools and research.

Create environment with Facilities

One of the top reasons why students choose (or don’t choose) an institution is campus environment. This reason ranks as more important than academic reputation of the school, the cost of attendance, the school’s location, or whether or not the institution offered a prospect’s intended major. In an analysis of an online forum discussion of what made a bad campus visit, facilities and grounds issues accounted for 17.4% of the bad experiences mentioned. With so many bad visits being at least partly attributed to…

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