Preparing and Staffing Operations for Capital Campaigns of One Billion Dollars or More
This report explores how advancement leadership reorganize staffing and unit structure to prepare for and support capital campaigns of more than one billion dollars. The report details the number and type of staff officers added to support the campaign, and how a campaign budget is developed. The report also traces campaign timeless and phases.
Key observations from our research:
1. To prepare for a capital campaign, university leaders assess the organizational structure and staffing of all external relations offices.
2. Most profiled institutions appoint a capital campaign director to orchestrate all campaign-related operations.
3. Campaign budgets’ one-time expenses are at first separated from the advancement budget, then staffing costs are migrated to unit budgets.
4. Development officers number grow by at least 30 percent; other investments include stewardship and donor relations; prospect research and development.
5. Most profiled large capital campaigns conclude after seven to ten years; they comprise a silent phase, a public phase, and a closing phase.
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