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Messaging Your Independent School’s Value Proposition

A tool to help Independent schools articulate their unique strengths in the current market

This tool guides you to articulate your value to prospective families using questions aimed at two groups of parents: those who are unaware of the value of an independent school education and those who are not convinced that their family belongs at your school.

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    Prospects who are not bought in to your school’s value

    • What differentiates your school from other schools in the market?
    • What type of unique academic programming or student experience does your school offer?
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    Prospects who do not see themselves fitting in at your school

    • What misperceptions may exist about your school in the broader community?
    • What information can you share to challenge families’ misperceptions about your school?

To address these prospects, we have developed a series of questions to help articulate your value to these families. After using this planning tool, incorporate your insights into your broader marketing and communications strategy.

What unique value does your school offer?

As more education options become available to students, you must clearly make the case to families of their unique value. Section one of this tool asks you to articulate the academic and extracurricular offerings available to students at your school, which is critically important to highlight in your communications and marketing materials.

Explore Section One

What misconceptions exist about your school?

Not all families feel welcome at independent schools; many view them as enrolling a homogenous student body of white, wealthy students. Others may have perceptions about the culture of independent schools (e.g., athletics-focused, or a stressful academic environment). Section two of this tool asks you to assess how outsiders view your school. Being transparent in addressing these misperceptions is vital to countering these notions in your messaging to prospects.

Explore Section Two

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