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9 Strategies to Engage Academic Leaders with APS Data

The Engaging Academic Leaders Toolkit includes eight strategies accompanied by corresponding tools to support your institution in building a data-informed culture that successfully engages leaders.

Access to data itself will not automatically make your campus more data-informed; the key is to engage leaders with the data. Academic leaders, such as Deans, Departments Chairs, and Associate Provosts, are at the center of many decisions influencing resource use across an institution but are often not equipped to effectively use data to inform those decisions. Engagement with data involves not only using the APS platform, but also acting on the data and holding data-informed conversations with colleagues. Fostering this engagement is often met with many obstacles, though.

The Engaging Academic Leaders Toolkit includes eight strategies accompanied by corresponding tools to support your institution in building a data-informed culture that successfully engages leaders.

Diagnostic (pg. 5)
Prioritize strategies and tools to implement on your campus.

Strategy 1: Advocate from Top Down (pg. 6)
Ensure your institution has an effective and outcomes-driven leadership team in place to create a vision for success and instill accountability.

Strategy 2: Craft Your Data Transparency Message (pg. 9)
Communicate why your institution has invested in the new technology and how you intend for it to be used.

Strategy 3: Build a Holistic Support Infrastructure That Empowers Users (pg. 14)
Create a three-tiered support infrastructure to empower users with self-service resources and scale the time of…

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