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Implement Inclusive Teaching Practices

Explore whether your institution has done enough to ensure equitable student learning with our 360-degree audit.
Strategic Advisory Services

The Essential Guide to Cost Containment Strategies for Higher Education

As colleges and universities struggle to set budgets for the upcoming fiscal year because of the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, many are looking for concrete guidance on how to reduce…
Research Report

Build connections online with Virtual Communities

Across the last few months, student affairs teams have been working diligently to transform their summer programs to a digital format—no easy task. EAB convened nearly 100 student affairs and…
Research Report

For digital transformation success, start with a digital strategy that advances the university mission

The shift to widespread virtual instruction and operations in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic underscores that digital transformation is no longer a luxury but a necessity for business continuity.…
IT Strategy Advisory Services

Does Your Virtual College Tour Meet Today’s Digital Expectations?

Start here if you are evaluating your virtual tour, or potential vendor, and reflect on areas of opportunity to provide maximum value and impact your institutional goals.

Stakeholder Assessment Toolkit for Change Management

As IT organizations pursue small- and large-scale transformations on their campuses, poor stakeholder communication can easily derail good faith efforts to implement, update, or decommission technology. This toolkit will help…
IT Strategy Advisory Services

Realign Time Investments

EAB explores best-practices for realigning time investments to combat non-fundraising activity creep and shift the focus back to frontline fundraising. This is part of the Maximizing Fundraiser Efficiency series.

Change management principles to help guide academic leaders during COVID-19

Explore three principles that can help department chairs, deans, and provosts lead during uncertainty.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Enhance Intermediate Goal Accountability

EAB identifies best-practices for leveraging data analysis to identify work-flow pain points and enable managers to keep gift officer's on track. This is part of the Maximizing Fundraiser Efficiency series.

Improve teacher wellbeing with self-care strategies and formalized peer connections

Teachers and school staff need support now more than ever. Learn how to support their wellbeing with self-care strategies and formalized peer connections.
K-12 District Leadership Blog