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Is virtual advising here to stay?

Learn why virtual advising will likely become a standard part of the toolkit for advising offices even after the pandemic is long gone.
Research Report

Early Warning Systems in K-12

To prevent dropout and boost graduation rates, district administrators can use early warning systems to proactively identify and support students who are at risk of dropping out. Discover how to…

What measuring the student experience means to Institutional Research—and why it’s so hard

IR teams are focused on gathering and analyzing data to help their institutions track and understand the student experience. But how can teams use this data to create a meaningful…

3 ways to prevent summer melt—and why technology is more important than ever

Learn three strategies to help colleges and universities support student retention and prevent summer melt caused by COVID-19.

6 strategies to show why independent schools are invaluable during COVID-19

Read the six strategies to show current and prospective families the value of independent school tuition during COVID-19.

What the CARES Act means for higher education advancement leaders

Following our analysis of how the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) will impact colleges and universities, EAB wanted to specifically help our advancement partners understand what…

Critical Lessons for Delivering Online Instruction from the CEO of One Schoolhouse

Most teachers and schools are new to online instruction. This session highlights the expertise that One Schoolhouse has amassed over the years.

Understanding the Needs and Motivations of Working Professional Student Segments

Take a closer look at the different needs and motivations of working professional segments reveals opportunities for COE units to innovate program design and strengthen your portfolio in this infographic.
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

Post-Deposit Communications Improvement Toolkit

To secure increasingly competitive enrollments, colleges and universities need to make the most of every piece of communication students receive between deposit and matriculation. Enrollment managers can use this toolkit…

Maggie Dwyer

Maggie is a Strategic Leader for Edify and has been on the team since the technology was launched. She oversees a pool of Edify partners and works directly with about…
Strategic Leader, Data and Analytics