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Yield Your Class During a Time of Uncertainty

Madeleine Rhyneer joins Carla Hickman to discuss challenges colleges face in meeting fall enrollment targets and offer strategies for yielding your class during a time of uncertainty.

Avoid these four graduate, online, and adult program design mistakes

See four common pitfalls of graduate, adult, and online program development—and what you can do to avoid them.
Adult Education Blog

Building a Summer Strategy to Promote Persistence and Degree Progress

Learn ways identify students in need of additional support, proactively connect students to resources, and promote persistence and degree progress.

The Rapid Response District: Redefining district strategy in the wake of COVID-19

Traditional district summer planning will no longer suffice. Districts and their schools must adapt quickly to conditions as they develop, which means planning for many potential futures. So, while superintendents…

How Districts Can Get the Most Impact from CARES Act Funds

Districts will begin receiving funds from the CARES Act and several other special-purpose federal and state sources in the coming months. This session provides an executive overview of the CARES…

Virtual Support: Building Staff and Student Resiliency Through Times of Change and Distance

This session will use EAB’s research and technology best practices to help schools figure out the best way to support both students and staff while operating at a distance, including…

Finding your Pivotal Moments

Every person who works in student success understands that there are inflection points that can make the difference between a student walking across the graduation stage or ending their college…

Principal Hiring Playbook

This toolkit will help district hiring teams immediately improve principal interviews to more accurately evaluate strategic thinking and interpersonal skills.
District Leadership Forum

Supporting the Mental Wellness of Teachers: A Discussion with the Founder and CEO of Happy Teacher Revolution

Even prior to the COVID crisis, teachers reported high levels of stress and burnout. Unfortunately, the pressures of the job lead many teachers to leave the profession altogether. Teachers have…

The Best (and Worst) COVID-19 Crisis Communications

EAB’s Kaitlyn Maloney and Michael Fischer discuss how colleges and universities have handled crisis communications during the pandemic.