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Is your data ready to support COVID-19 recovery?

Ask these three questions to evaluate your data readiness to respond to COVID-19, across key principles of accessibility, quality, and agility.

How a public health expert responded to COVID-19 on campus

"Our people are afraid, whether it's our board members, faculty, staff, students, or members of our community. But I am hopeful and confident that information can help us overcome fear,"…
Research Report

Structuring and Transitioning to Impactful Gainsharing

This study outlines two options for structuring a gainsharing program as well as strategies to help institutions transition to a more strategic budget surplus policy while minimizing pushback.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Optimizing Institutional Budget Models

This study includes four executive-level lessons on budget design and a compendium of 29 budget model elements to help you develop a more strategic resource allocation system on your campus.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

A Practical Approach to Institutional Risk Management

Helps members devise a financially realistic framework for ensuring that the institution is systematically evaluating risk exposure, allocating scarce mitigation resources to the risks deemed most important, and incenting risk…
Strategic Advisory Services

The Essential Five-Step Recipe for Process Improvement

This infographic outlines the five critical steps that organizations must take as part of their process improvement journey.
Strategic Advisory Services
Resource Center

Process Improvement Resource Center

Explore this resource center for strategies and best practices on process improvement.
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges
Research Report

Maximize the upsides of the AMC-university relationship

Learn more about the AMC-university collaboration and organizational structure that can lead to mission- and revenue-boosting opportunities.

3 reasons to build financial dashboards for academic leaders—and what metrics to include

Learn more about the reasons why you should build financial dashboards and what metrics you should include.
Strategic Advisory Services

How to smooth a budget model transition and win stakeholder buy-in

Success (or failure) of a budget model transition comes down the the people involved. Learn how to maximize buy-in from on-campus stakeholders.