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A Student-Centered Approach to Advising

This webinar provides a blueprint for a student-entered advising model by discussing two critical imperatives: structuring advising to enable consistency and accountability & targeting intervention strategies based on student risk.

Transfer Portal

Facilitate the transfer process and boost transfer enrollment through best-in-class technology
Marketing and Enrollment
Research Report

The High-Efficiency HR Department

This study outlines 12 best practices to increase staff productivity and capacity by optimizing department operations and refocusing staff on higher-level work.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Bending the Administrative Labor Cost Curve

Examine 12 executive best practices to implement cross-silo tools and incentives that slow administrative labor growth and help achieve meaningful savings.
Strategic Advisory Services
Resource Center

Procurement and Strategic Sourcing Implementation Collaborative

Our first collaborative will focus on procurement and strategic sourcing. We will investigate issues and research interests for institutions’ senior-most procurement and strategic sourcing officers.
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Increasing Central Fungible Dollars

This study examines eight executive tactics to increase central dollars and garner buy-in for strategic priorities.
Strategic Advisory Services

2 long-term planning exercises to prepare for future revenue threats

To plan for future risks, all finance teams should consider implementing these two practices.
Strategic Advisory Services

3 tactics to boost the impact of your financial dashboards

Sharing financial information with boards is a tricky balancing act between sharing too little or too much information. Discover three tactics that will help you improve the effectiveness of your…

The Finance Function of the Future, Part 3

In the third webconference in this series, we first look at how business leaders are leveraging technology and organizational models to maximize efficiency.

Guidelines for Continuous Process Improvement

From prioritizing highest-payoff opportunities for profess redesign to considering longer-term investments in process reengineering capabilities, the Business Affairs Forum will present best-practices for building toward a continuous improvement mindset on…