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What do enrollment leaders care most about in 2023? Review our poll results to find out.

I’m going to share highlights from our most recent survey with you, using the results as a framework for broader observations and speculation about the forces defining today’s enrollment challenge.
Enrollment Blog

Our partners implemented strategic advising campaigns at 40 schools in 27 states. Here's what we learned.

Read this post to see what we learned about using student success analytics to design effective strategic advising campaigns from the inaugural Navigate Data-Driven Student Support Cohort.
Student Success Blog

What could virtual reality mean for higher ed?

Learn four key lessons and ponder questions raised from the Presidential Experience Lab on what virtual reality might mean for higher ed.
Higher Education Strategy Blog

50+ Ways to Meet Higher Ed Employees’ Basic Needs

This infographic shares 50+ high-impact tactics to help colleges and universities meet higher ed employee needs around caregiving, housing, food, and transportation.
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges

How to stay ready for donors who “aren’t ready yet”

Through hundreds of field marketing tests yearly, our advancement marketing team has a catalog of tried-and-true digital marketing approaches that help our partners reach their goals.
Advancement Blog

5 higher ed thought leaders we are following

Thought leaders are known for their innovative ideas and research, their work often serving as a catalyst for change in the higher education system. We asked EAB’s top experts for…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

Communications Must-Do’s When a Flashpoint Impacts Your District

Flashpoints can spiral out of control if you do not quickly deploy a response and communicate the district’s position to the greater community. Below we’ve shared three must-know strategies for…
K-12 District Leadership Blog

Why advancement employees leave (and how leaders can fix it)

There are various methods you can use to cope with the advancement talent crisis, but addressing your workplace culture head-on can help you improve retention both immediately and over time.…
Advancement Blog

3 reasons your colleagues don’t want to use data—and how to change their minds

If you're struggling to get colleagues to use the reports, dashboards, and datasets you're producing, read this post to gain tips on how to encourage adoption of your data efforts.
Data & Analytics Blog

Is TikTok worth the risk? Dos and don’ts for enrollment teams

Recent bans on TikTok are widespread, concerning, and confusing—but as legislators mull over the possibility of a national ban on the app, there is still time to capitalize on TikTok’s…
Enrollment Blog