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3 ways to align tenure criteria with your institutional strategy

Tenure criteria is often based on narrow forms of academic work that don’t advance the institution’s strategic priorities. These three types of changes to promotion and tenure criteria can help…

How your university can better anticipate the future

When it comes to future strategic planning, these three thought patterns can trip up leaders. Here's how to challenge biases and overcome incremental thinking to better prepare your campus for…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

4 ways to prepare for a shrinking enrollment pipeline

Between 2025 and 2029, the college-age population in the United States is expected to see a 15% decline. Learn four ways that colleges and universities can work to secure their…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

The graduate marketing strategy that tripled leads

See how an intent marketing approach generated three times the number of leads for graduate, online, certificate, and undergraduate degree completion programs compared to typical campaigns and saw a 30%…
Adult Education Blog

4 common mistakes graduate schools make in their corporate outreach strategy

Even well-meaning plans for corporate collaborations can veer off-course, especially when it comes to initiating contact and managing ongoing communications. Whether you are creating your corporate relationship strategy for the…

Want a 57% yield rate on MBA applicants? Look to your late pipeline

If you're looking to increase graduate program enrollment, don't overlook those who apply late. Our research shows that late-application students for graduate programs have higher yield rates and are of…
Adult Education Blog

Shanelle DeLorenzo

As a Managing Director for Partner Development with EAB Marketing and Enrollment Solutions, Shanelle leads a client team in designing and managing successful programs that move admission clients toward their…

Principal Strategic Leader, Adult Learner Recruitment

Scott Fassbach

Scott serves as EAB’s Chief Research officer. He first joined EAB’s predecessor, The Advisory Board Company in 1987 and became Chief Research Officer in March 2000. Scott led the launch…

Chief Research Officer

Rebecca Jameson

Rebecca (Richards) Jameson is a senior researcher on the District Leadership Forum. She works primarily with superintendents and other district leaders to promote student success. Her research with EAB has…

Director, Research

Nathan Mueller

Nathan became a principal in Financial Aid Optimization in 1996. He consults with many of Financial Aid Optimization's clients on financial aid strategy, retention and recruitment. He frequently presents to…

Principal and Managing Director, Advanced Analytic Services