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How pandemic-era reforms could leave us better equipped to retain and graduate students

Antifragile systems actually improve when faced with challenges or stressed. Learn how the crisis can shape higher ed to better support student retention and success.

How Colleges Can Plan for and Adapt to Campus Crises

Learn how college administrators can use this crisis to strengthen leadership skills—and how schools can build greater organizational resiliency to better prepare for, respond, and adapt to future disruptions.

Recruitment trends and tactics to consider amid list source uncertainty

Recent cancellations of ACT/SAT tests will have important implications for recruitment strategy. Learn the potential impacts related to targeting strategy, institutional policy, and student testing behavior.

How one college reduced summer melt by 8.6 percentage points in one year

Students can't successfully navigate pivotal moments if they don't know how to recognize them. Here's how one community college restructured orientation to improve communication surrounding pivotal moments—ultimately reducing summer melt.
Student Success Blog

Engage alumni in the fight against coronavirus

To help build a community of support, institutions are asking for stories of how alumni are making a difference in the fight against coronavirus.

Wesley Pendarvis

Wesley Pendarvis oversees Partner Services for EAB’s Education Data Hub. As a Senior Director of Partner Success, Wesley is responsible for ensuring our partners find success with EDH, and ultimately…

Managing Director, Data and Analytics

Developing a Faculty Speech and Expression Policy

This resource will help heads of school identify and design clear faculty guidelines in order to create a safe and consistent school experience for all students.
Resource Center

Remote Instruction Resource Center

Here you’ll find resources to support remote instruction across different types and sizes of courses, guidelines for maintaining equity and accessibility, and strategic frameworks to guide your next phases of…
Strategic Advisory Services
Research Report

Comparison of Distance Learning Plans

EAB researchers identified publicly available information on distance learning plans from 10 districts in the Washington Area Board of Education (WABE). Specifically, we reported on these factors: instructional time guidelines,…

Enhance First Year Onboarding and Success at Community Colleges

Despite efforts to improve customer service and create more welcoming environments, community colleges still require students to navigate complex processes and policies when it comes to admissions and onboarding. Follow…
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges