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The “Murky Middle”

This infographic profiles different campus segments to determine where schools should focus their efforts.

What “Hidden Motives” Could Lead Your Students to Poor Decisions?

You may find yourself scratching your head when students make choices that undermine their own self-interest, such as under-loading credit hours or delaying their major declaration. Discover the unseen cognitive…
Partner Story

How Creating a Data-Driven University Led to a World Class Student Experience at Georgia State

GSU saw an opportunity to target resources through structured, data-driven interventions such as class redesign, supplemental instruction, first-year learning communities, and retention grants. In 2012, GSU partnered with EAB and…

Maximum Capacity Toolkit

This toolkit provides the resources to support working toward reliable max caps that afford understanding of true capacity, accurate course planning, and efficient resource allocation.
Research Report

Benchmarking Data Report on Cost

Explore this report on cost to compare a variety of metrics to your peer institutions.
Academic Performance Solutions

Matching Section Offerings to Demand

The second session of the training series will focus on evaluating opportunities to shift resources from underfilled sections to sections that are overfilled, ultimately reducing bottlenecks.

APS Insights 2018

As the APS collaborative continues to grow, we're digging into the benchmarking data to surface shared challenges and actionable insights - joining our analyses with EAB research best practices to…

New Feature Training: Instructional FTE Metrics

The APS platform now includes instructional FTE (IFTE) metrics. We've changed the name of faculty analyses to "instructional staff" analyses to better reflect non-faculty instructors included in the data. During…
Research Report

Striving for More Sustainable Core Facilities

This white paper identifies five steps to help universities provide researchers with access to the technology they need through supporting and growing existing core facilities on campus.
Strategic Advisory Services