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Blueprint for Growth Virtual Presentation

Join us for a workshop to educate your team on the adult education market, including how to diversify revenues and bolster declining undergrad enrollment.

Professional & Adult Education Advisory Services brings EAB research to your institution via virtual presentations and workshops for diverse audiences, including professional, online, and continuing education unit leadership, deans, cabinet members, boards, and marketing and recruiting staff.

In the Blueprint for Growth Virtual Presentation, EAB experts will provide a market briefing workshop on the state of the graduate and adult education market for your team and lead discussion about implications of the current trends on your institution’s strategy.

Ideal audience

This session is best suited for the President’s Cabinet, Academic Leadership, Professional & Adult Education Executive Leadership, Marketing Staff, and Program Directors.

Presentation overview

More institutions than ever hope to grow graduate degree and certificate enrollments, diversify revenues, bolster declining undergraduate enrollment, lead economic development, or serve working adults. Our latest signature research explores some trends making these markets more competitive than five years ago and shaping the future of adult and graduate education:

  • A national slowdown of the master’s degree market
  • The threat of national online competition becoming impossible to ignore
  • Winner-take-all markets emerging in popular fields
  • The post-baccalaureate certificate market is smaller and more competitive than anticipated
  • An economic recession providing a possible counter-cyclical bump in enrollment