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Transfer Portal Help Center

Resources for App Admins

App Admin Resources

EAB has created trainings for our Transfer Portal technology. These resources will help our App Admins get up to speed on Transfer Portal, understand site maintenance, and manage course and lead management workflows. Explore the guides, demos, and sample materials in each of the training modules below. Create a bookmark with this link for easy access.

Module 1: Intro to Transfer Portal

This module provides an overview of the Transfer Portal product and the supporting Application Administrator role. Included are directions and resources for capturing key Transfer Portal decisions at your institution for ease of tool support.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the purpose of the Transfer Portal Technology
  • Understand your role as a Transfer Portal expert
  • Review your institution’s Transfer Portal Planner to understand institution-specific Portal decisions
  • Understand the reason and strategy behind certain Portal setup decisions
  • Review and bookmark available resources


Module 2: Site Maintenance and Support

This module covers the tools necessary to set up your Transfer Portal and maintain it over time. Instructions for content refresh as well as support resources available for set up and maintenance are covered in these resources.  

Learning objectives:

  • Understand how to edit content and configurations in your Transfer Portal site
  • Feel prepared to answer internal questions about Portal functionality
  • Understand overall Transfer Portal partnership timeline (IMPL vs. Value Stream)
  • Understand how to triage end user questions
  • Understand who to work with for what type of Portal or errors from either EAB or your institution’s tech team depending on the error
  • Understand what content should be updated on an annual basis and who to work with for those updates


Module 3: Pending Course Workflow

In this module, learn the process involved when a prospective transfer student enters a pending course into the Transfer Portal. These resources share EAB’s best practice suggestions for this workflow from both the student and staff perspective.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand Portal Pending Course Workflow functionality
  • Review Pending Course Workflow decisions in your institution’s Portal Planner
  • Review best practice process mapping questions


Module 4: Lead Management Workflow

This module covers Transfer Portal’s resources along with EAB’s best practice suggestions to follow transfer student leads from the Transfer Portal.  

Learning objectives:

  • Reference your Portal Planner to understand if your Portal has automated exports set up or if your institution uses manual exports
  • Review available fields that can be exported from the Transfer Portal
  • Understand how your institutions tracks Portal leads in your CRM

Workflow resources:

Sample export files and data spec resources:

Export automation (SFTP setup process) resources:

CRM ingestion resources:

Module 5: Transfer Portal Analytics

This module provides an overview of the analytics provided through the Transfer Portal and EAB’s suggested use of data.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand functionality of Analytics Dashboard
  • Understand what data is captured in the Portal Analytics
  • Understand how to download dashboards
  • Be able to communicate functionality to other stakeholders


App Admin Onboarding Session On-Demand

Please review the materials and on-demand recording from the Transfer Portal Overview for Application Administrators session held on January 30, 2024.

Want to join the next onboarding session? Register for the September 17 date to save your spot.

This resource requires EAB partnership access to view.

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