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What CIOs need to know about this year’s Presidential Experience Lab on AI

July 24, 2024, By Afia Tasneem, Senior Director, Strategic Research

Every year, EAB’s Presidential Experience Lab (PEL) offers university presidents an immersive experience that transports them from their campus environments to engage with peers and explore innovative ideas in a completely different setting. With AI rapidly emerging as a game-changer in higher education, the focus of PEL this year was on artificial intelligence. On June 4-5, university presidents gathered at NVIDIA headquarters in San Francisco to delve into AI’s impact on the future of work and higher education.

This blog shares six key takeaways from the event for CIOs.

1. Recognize the nascent stage of generative AI and embrace diverse viewpoints

Presidents valued the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of AI thought leaders and experts, who highlighted both the opportunities and risks associated with AI and its transformative potential across all industries, including higher education. These experts also emphasized that AI is still in its early stages and that there are many differing viewpoints regarding its implementation and impact.

As a CIO, communicate to presidents about the diverse perspectives and ongoing debates on campus and use them to inform your AI strategy.

2. Drive stakeholder buy-in with inspiring yet practical AI applications

To showcase AI’s practical impact, presidents toured NVIDIA’s demo room, viewing applications like warehouse digital twins, detailed image generation, and an AI nurse. These demonstrations provided tangible examples of AI’s capabilities and potential uses in higher education.

As a CIO, inspire stakeholders by identifying and implementing practical AI applications that add value to your institution. Innovate beyond traditional boundaries to demonstrate AI’s tangible benefits and drive stakeholder buy-in.

3. Develop a strategic AI plan that accepts complexity and uncertainty

EAB experts highlighted that AI integration is a complex journey rather than a simple switch. Presidents were introduced to a maturity model for AI adoption, guiding them to assess their institution’s current state and strategize for the next 3-5 years. Utilize this AI maturity model to evaluate your institution’s current capabilities. Develop a strategic plan that accepts complexity and uncertainty, setting clear milestones and objectives for AI integration while being adaptable to change.

4. Foster inter-university collaboration by sharing competitive advantages

One significant outcome of this year’s PEL was the expressed interest from presidents in collaborating with other universities. They recognized that sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices can accelerate AI adoption and maximize its benefits across institutions. Foster inter-university collaboration by sharing competitive advantages with other institutions. This approach can lead to mutual growth and innovation, benefiting the broader educational community.

5. Understand both what’s possible with AI and what campus leaders are comfortable with or seeking to accomplish

A key theme in this year’s conversations was not just exploring AI’s potential, but also recognizing the need to hold back in certain areas. For example, nurturing essential human skills in students—such as resilience, critical thinking, and adaptability—was highlighted as a priority. Although AI offers immense support and capabilities, many presidents emphasized the importance of deliberately limiting certain AI functionalities to ensure students develop these vital competencies.

Therefore, CIOs must actively collaborate with campus leaders to comprehend their preferences and objectives, ensuring that the integration of cutting-edge AI technologies supports, rather than undermines, the goals of the institution.

6. Encourage innovation by immersing leaders in different environments

Presidents were immersed in AI innovation at NVIDIA’s state-of-the-art headquarters, stepping away from daily campus challenges to envision AI’s potential within their institutions. As a CIO, embrace this counterintuitive approach by stepping out of traditional roles and collaborating with peers from different institutions and industries. Engage in environments that foster innovative thinking to inspire AI initiatives on your campus.

If you have questions about our AI research, please contact [email protected].
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Afia Tasneem

Senior Director, Strategic Research

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