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173 results based on your search


Do your academic programs meet military students' needs and preferences?

Like other adult learner populations, our research shows that military students are more likely to prioritize shorter completion times and alignment to their post-service career when choosing a program.
Adult Education Blog

How MBA programs can set a winning messaging strategy

With rapid growth in MBA programs and fewer students taking graduate admissions tests, this competition can easily drive up digital marketing bottom lines.
Adult Education Blog

How to manage your digital lead generation budget

Get strategies to more effectively manage your digital lead generation budget for graduate and adult-serving programs.
Adult Education Blog

The 4 biggest challenges facing graduate and adult education programs, according to presidents and provosts

We recently surveyed university presidents, provosts, and VPEMs to quantify the challenges institutions face in growing enrollment in graduate and adult-serving programs. Here are the top four challenges university leaders…
Adult Education Blog

The 3 big bets university presidents and provosts are placing on graduate and adult learner enrollments

As the graduate market moves away from its COVID-induced bumps in enrollment, and as undergraduate enrollment continues to fall short, university executives are facing more pressure to grow graduate enrollment.
Adult Education Blog

Mistakes you might be making when marketing online programs

Here are a few of the mistakes your institution may be making when marketing to and recruiting online learners, and how to address them.
Adult Education Blog

Considering the impacts of COVID-19 on our lifelong learning model

These ideas began to revolutionize how higher education continuing education units think about who we’re serving and how we’re serving them. The result was advocacy for alternative credentials, like badges…

Serving adults through their lifetime learning journey

My capstone project was focused on Goal 2: Graduate Education and Lifetime Learning, which includes a strategic imperative focused on providing robust educational offerings and delivery methods that includes baccalaureate…

Turn your non-university competitors into your collaborators

Learn how to use alternative providers to bolster enrollment, increase program flexibility, and reduce student costs in your own offerings.

3 Steps to Create a Winning Graduate and Adult Enrollment Growth Strategy

Here are three steps to create a dynamic graduate and adult enrollment growth strategy—because the stakes are too high not to have an effective and adaptable strategy in place.
Adult Education Blog