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29 results based on your search


Impact of Biden’s “Made in All of America” plan on higher education economic recovery and development efforts

One of President-elect Biden’s most prominent campaign platforms was his “Made in All of America” plan—an economic plan that restores the emphasis on manufacturing while better incorporating new high-tech and…

3 common challenges with academic program assessment

EAB's Financial Sustainability Collaborative has worked with over 100 schools to help them structure their academic program assessment process, and that experience has provided us with some observations about the…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

How Departmental Practices Contribute to Faculty Diversity Goals

In this webconference, discover two key analyses that help departments reduce or eliminate bias when they recruit faculty, assign them to activities, and review their portfolios for merit and promotion.
Research Report

Rightsizing the Program Portfolio Study

Use this toolkit for resources to support a more effective review and revitalization of your campus’s academic program portfolio.
Strategic Advisory Services
Partner Service

Financial Performance Collaborative for Provosts

EAB’s Financial Performance Collaborative will help you safeguard future spending or fund emerging priorities through resource allocation savings.

3 ways to vet academic programs when labor market data isn’t enough

Here are three ways to review the viability of a new or existing graduate, adult, and online program, beyond labor market intelligence.

Annual Unit Health Check-Up Toolkit

The Annual Unit Health Check-Up Toolkit will help members of Academic Performance Solutions (APS) create and implement an annual unit health check-up process that is embedded with data, as well…
Academic Performance Solutions

Envisioning a Post-Departmental Structure for the University

This webinar covers the six key components of effective divisional governance, and change management advice from provosts who have gone through divisional reorganization.

3 Student Outcomes Metrics Every Department Chair Should Watch

Discover 3 key analyses that focus on the departmental role in helping students succeed in individual courses, navigate the curriculum in a timely fashion, and prepare for careers after graduation.