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47 results based on your search


10 “No-Regrets” Analyses

Explore 10 analyses that isolate the key drivers of academic costs, pinpoint opportunities for savings, and allow department leaders to better meet future student demand.
IT Strategy Advisory Services
Research Report

3 reasons why you need to turn up the thermostat in the summer

A chronic dependence on air conditioner can lead to high energy bills and lower employee productivity. Here are three reasons why you need to turn the thermostat up in the…

Improving sustainability efforts with a green revolving fund

As institutions look for more opportunities to improve their sustainability efforts, green revolving funds like those at Harvard University provide the necessary investment to reduce utility consumption, waste removal, or…
Research Report

Disciplining University Spend

Examine the critical priority of reducing outside spend by working with faculty and purchasing departments to achieve greater efficiency in a difficult university operating environment.
Strategic Advisory Services for Community Colleges
Research Report

Playbook for Immediate Labor Savings

This study provides 100 tactics for immediate, sustainable labor savings, as well as guidance for creating a well-defined labor savings action plan.
Research Report

Operationalizing Strategic Initiatives

CBOs must focus on reducing costs and ensuring that resources are allocated for innovative strategic initiatives. We profile 14 best practices for turning broad strategic goals into operational initiatives.

Getting down to business: A how-to guide for kickstarting administrative efficiency initiatives on campus

This blog outlines how college and university leaders can achieve administrative efficiency through process improvement and strategic reorganization.
Strategy Blog