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How your university can better anticipate the future

When it comes to future strategic planning, these three thought patterns can trip up leaders. Here's how to challenge biases and overcome incremental thinking to better prepare your campus for…
Higher Education Strategy Blog

3 cognitive biases that can derail strategy work at independent schools

Pulling from cognitive psychology, EAB researchers point to some specific cognitive biases that hamper strategy work at independent schools and how to overcome them.
K-12 District Leadership Blog
Insight Paper

The Future of Digital Ecosystems for Higher Ed

This EAB white paper on the future of institutional digital ecosystems takes stock of how universities and colleges around the United States responded to this surge in traffic and the…

Future-Focused Scenario Planning

To move above transactional tasks and think strategically, cabinet members need to get above their day-to-day and develop new strategic thinking skills. Use multiple potential futures to think outside the…

3 insights for program growth from our 2019 adult learner survey

We surveyed nearly 1,000 current and prospective students of graduate, online, certificate, and undergraduate degree completion programs. Their answers revealed many surprising findings—and ones that have significant implications for enrollment…

The master’s degree market slowdown

More institutions than ever hope to grow master’s degree enrollments. See our infographic to remain competitive in the evolving master's degree market.
Adult Learner Recruitment
Research Report

How higher ed can adapt to the changing MBA landscape

We’ve taken a critical look at the MBA programs succeeding in today’s difficult market to identify the most important program design decisions. From your admission requirements to program curriculum, learn…
Professional and Adult Education Advisory Services

What does the strong employer demand for speech-language pathologists mean for your university?

Here's how your school capitalize on growing employer and student demand for speech-language pathology programs.

Discussing the Transition to DNP Programs for Advanced Practice Nursing

Partners offering advanced practice nursing education, particularly for future nurse practitioners, are struggling to transition master’s-level nursing programs to award doctorates in response to educational associations’ declared goals. Attendees should…