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3 types of data every department chair needs (but usually doesn’t have)

Over the past few years, administrators and academic leadership have begun to seek greater intentionality in resource allocation across campus. Learn three categories of analysis that every college or university…
Data & Analytics Blog
Research Report

Distance learning instructional minutes under COVID-19

In response to a partner’s institution request for information on determining instructional time for distance learning in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, EAB researchers identified distance learning instructional minute…

Shaping Class Size

In the first part of this webconference series, "Shaping Course Size," our experts will tackle misconceptions about class sizes, reveal opportunities to increase savings, and offer data-driven approaches to course…
Research Report

Benchmarking Data Report on Class Size

Our Academic Benchmarking Data Report on Class Size is the first in a series of reports that will provide the APS membership with insightful, actionable information around key performance indicators.…
Academic Performance Solutions
Research Report

Identify and Rightsize Small Class Offerings

This brief examines ways to address unintentionally small and low-enrollment classes, including a guide to identify your institution’s small classes using the APS platform.
Academic Performance Solutions

Planning Course and Section Offerings

In the second session of the series, we will highlight opportunities to align course offerings with student demand. Users will learn how to identify opportunities to reallocate resources from underfilled…

Monitoring Faculty Course Loads

In the third session of the series we’ll turn our attention to faculty workloads. Users will learn to navigate the Faculty Tab of the APS platform, specifically analyses of course…

Before layoffs and salary reductions, analyze these drivers of instructional cost

A university’s faculty is clearly one of its greatest assets—but also one of its largest investments. Learn three ways to reduce instructional costs per attempted student credit hour without changing…

Data democratization 101: What higher education data leaders need to know

Learn what data democratization is, how it can drive innovation, and three ways colleges and universities can achieve data democratization.
Data & Analytics Blog